Black Streaks? Schedule Soft Wash Roof Washing
Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It contributes to curb appeal (which boosts your comfort and makes your home more attractive to potential buyers), insulates the house, and protects you from the elements. That’s why you need to regularly check it for signs damage.
When doing so, you might notice black streaks on your roofing. Don’t overlook these. If left ignored, this seemingly minor issue can result in major problems. Contact our soft wash roof washing team at Reflections Property Works to address the issue sooner rather than later. Serving homeowners throughout the Savannah, GA area, we have the experience and expertise necessary to get rid of these streaks.
What You Need to Know About Black Roof Streaks
Those black streaks you might notice on your roofing typically indicate the presence of Gloeocapsa magma, a type of bacteria. This organism thrives in most environments and feeds on certain materials often found in shingles. Unfortunately, it doesn’t merely impact the appearance of your roof.
Gloeocapsa magma tends to attract other fungi, bacteria, and related organisms. Over time, they can combine to create lichen. Lichen is difficult to remove and causes shingle damage. Your goal should be to clean away black streaks and other contaminants before lichen form.
The presence of black streaks also tends to attract moss. Sadly, moss retains moisture, damaging your shingles to an even greater degree.
These are all consequences you want to avoid. When your roofing breaks down, your home is less insulated, forcing you to run your heating and cooling equipment too frequently. This leads to high energy bills and reduces your equipment’s lifespan. On top of that, damaged roofing lets water into the home, potentially resulting in major water damage and mold growth. Addressing all these issues is expensive. You’re much better off being proactive to avoid them in the first place.
However, that doesn’t mean you should try to remove black streaks on your own. Without the proper experience, there’s a good chance you won’t clean it away thoroughly.
You might also be tempted to use the wrong tools. Very often, roofing isn’t durable enough to withstand the pressure associated with power washing. Don’t make the mistake of damaging your roofing when attempting to remove black streaks. Hire our soft wash roof washing team instead.
How Soft Wash Roof Washing is Different
Soft wash roof washing is a much safer Gloeocapsa magma removal option. Based on its name, you can probably guess that it involves using less pressure than other methods.
Luckily, it also results in a more thorough clean. Instead of putting your roofing at risk of damage by applying excess pressure, we use safe detergents that work their way into all corners of your roof, eliminating black streaks and the bacteria that cause them, before it can attract other contaminants. We use specialized tools and techniques to ensure every corner of the roof is properly cleaned. This isn’t something you can achieve on your own. With professional assistance, you’ll get longer lasting results, helping you avoid unnecessary expenses in the future. You’ll also avoid the kinds of personal safety risks that trying to clean your own roof can naturally involve.
Just remember to act fast. If you delay in scheduling service, What start as simple black streaks on your roof will be more likely to attract lichen and moss. Once they show up, cleaning your roof thoroughly becomes much more difficult.
Stop black streaks in their tracks now by getting in touch with our soft wash roof washing team at Reflections Property Works, serving homeowners in the Savannah, GA area. We’ll gladly answer any questions you may have about our services. To learn more, call us today at 912-574-5913.